The Phantom Zone's Boston Gallery Map
The Phantom Zone's Boston Gallery Map including a suggested 1 mile walking path.
Click here to view the full map so you can plot your own walking path!
*Note, this is not intended as a comprehensive map of all of the galleries in Boston. It is just a map of some of the galleries that I regularly visit in Boston. Sometimes I visit more galleries than what are listed and sometimes I visit fewer galleries depending what is being exhibited. If you would like to make your own map of your favorite galleries, Google maps is really easy to use!*
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For example, using the Phantom Zone's map, you can take the "T" to the Copley stop and get out the corner of Dartmouth and Boylston.

Walk to Newbury St. and go to Judi Rotenberg at 130 Newbury St.

Then walk to Howard Yezerski at 14 Newbury Street.

When you get to the end of Newbury, turn South on Arlington.

Walk down Arlington and turn right on Tremont.
Then left on E. Berkeley.
Rhys Gallery is at the corner of E. Berkley and Harrison Ave.

After Rhys, walk across Harrison to 450 Harrison to visit Bernard Toale, Alston Skirt, OH+T, Samson Projects, Kayafas and the other galleries of the South End.

The whole walk should take about 2.5 hours if you spend some time in each gallery and stop for a coffee in the South End!
Then, don't forget that the Boston area has many other venues not included on this map. For example, if you have a car, the DeCordova Museum in Lincoln is a must and only about a half an hour outside of the city.

Here is a printable version of the Phantom Zone's Boston Gallery Map.
(320 kb PDF file)
Have fun walking and seeing some of the best galleries in Boston!